Our Cottage lots are small home sites suited to first home buyers, small families and empty-nesters looking for a vibrant community and a relaxed lifestyle.

Cottage Lots

With garage and utilities to the south, and living to the north, these lots are designed to capture and maximise solar gain. There’s room for easy care courtyard gardens and play spaces, with direct access into the community gardens and shared path networks.

They will all be connected to NBN fibre, a microgrid, and in Stage 4-5, every lot includes a solar battery, which will supply 100% renewable energy (basically for free). Each lot will also have an additional exclusive use community garden area ranging from 100 sqm – 120 sqm. Download the full list of Ecovillage Lot Price Inclusions.

Cottage Lot Local Development Plan

Local Development Plans (LDPs) prescribe the specific design requirements for each lot type such as setbacks, driveway locations, rainwater tank sizes, etc. Visit the Document Library to download LDPs for Cottage lots.

How do i buy an ecovillage lot? request a sales meeting

Cottage lot pre-designed homes

Cottage lots at the Ecovillage with a custom home in the foreground.