Cluster 4B Plan & Pricing

Live on the eastern edge of the Ecovillage and wake up every morning to the sun rising over the forest turning the water of the southern dam golden. Watch Mannitj (white tailed black cockatoos) as they wheel overhead calling to each other and Mulal (swamphen) stalking the shallow reeds of the wetland. Welcome to life in Cluster 4B. Contact us on [email protected] if this sounds like home.

HOW TO NAVIGATE WITHIN THE CONCEPT PLAN: Click on pulsing green tooltips to reveal lot pricing, type and total area in sqm (lot + EUA) and the blue tooltips to reveal the treasures within the cluster community garden. 

Green dots = AVAILABLE LOTS     Red dots = RESERVED / SOLD LOTS

Download the Cluster 4B Plan with Legend and Pricing

Lot Number: 1 SOLD
Lot Type: Cottage
Lot Size: 654m²
EUA area: 127m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 781m²

Lot Number: 2 SOLD
Lot Type: Cottage
Lot Size: 593m²
EUA area: 121m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 714m²

Lot Number: 3 SOLD
Lot Type: Cottage
Lot Size: 555m²
EUA area: 121m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 676m²

Lot Number: 4 SOLD
Lot Type: Cottage
Lot Size: 516m²
EUA area: 118m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 634m²

Lot Number: 5 SOLD
Lot Type: Cottage
Lot Size: 493m²
EUA area: 121m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 614m²
Lot Price: SOLD

Lot Number: 6 SOLD
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 1,000m²
EUA area: 166m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,166m²

Lot Price: SOLD

Lot Number: 7 SOLD
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 1,000m²
EUA area: 164m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,164m²

Lot Number: 8 SOLD
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 1,000m²
EUA area: 197m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,197m²

Lot Number: 9 SOLD
Lot Type: Groupie
Lot area (incl. driveway): 381m²
Useable Lot Area (excl. driveway): 381m²
EUA area: 73m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 454m²

Lot Number: 10 SOLD
Lot Type: Groupie
Lot area (incl. driveway): 391m²
Useable Lot Area (excl. driveway): 366m²
EUA area: 79m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 470m²

Lot Number: 11 SOLD
Lot Type: Groupie
Lot area (incl. driveway): 415m²
Useable Lot Area (excl. driveway): 366m²
EUA area: 79m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 494m²

Lot Number: 12 SOLD
Lot Type: Groupie
Lot area (incl. driveway): 391m²
Useable Lot Area (excl. driveway): 318m²
EUA area: 109m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 500m²

Lot Number: 13 SOLD
Lot Type: Groupie
Lot area (incl. driveway): 533m²
Useable Lot Area (excl. driveway): 421m²
EUA area: 148m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 681m²

Lot Number: 14 SOLD
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 1,027m²
EUA area: 171m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,198m²

Lot Number: 15
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 1,003m²
EUA area: 148m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,151m²
Lot Price: $450,000

Lot Number: 16
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 1,002m²
EUA area: 160m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,162m²
Lot Price: $450,000

Lot Number: 17 SOLD
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 1,000m²
EUA area: 174m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,174m²

Lot Number: 18
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 1,011m²
EUA area: 162m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,173m²
Lot Price: $450,000

Lot Number: 19 SOLD
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 1,014m²
EUA area: 150m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,164m²

Lot Number: 20 SOLD
Lot Type: Family
Lot Size: 950m²
EUA area: 190m²
Total Area (Lot + EUA): 1,140m²

Irrigation tank

Community Shed

Nature playground

Lawn area

Netted orchard

Concrete footpath network

Electric vehicle fast-charging station

Drainage swales with native wetland planting

Fire pit and curved stone sitting wall

Bulk soil storage area

Site main electrical switchboard

Chicken coop and yard

Western Power supply point

Potable water tank for community shed

Drive-through yard for deliveries