Construction of the Witchcliffe Ecovillage will be split into five stages with the commencement timing of each stage dependent on the rate of lot sales. We anticipate the entire project to take between 5-7 years to build out completely.

Stages 1 and 2 now underway
Stage 2 (45 lots) was released to the market in late September and lots in clusters 2A and 2B are already selling well.
Stage 1 commenced in February 2019 with the construction of two new dams. The focus of Stage 1 is on the centre of the development with civil work on roads, drainage and services starting in early 2020.
Stage 1 is proposed to include the Village Square, playing field, community hall and residential community garden clusters 1A, 1B and 1C, which comprise Cottage, Family and Groupie lots.
Subsequent stages will be released at the discretion of the developer as residential clusters fill to facilitate the strong formation of a community within each cluster.
download Stage 1 + 2 plan