We’ve had a lot of interest in and great feedback from buyers on the 16 pre-designed homes that form part of our House & Land Packages. Many lot purchasers are delighted with the original designs and with no modifications are on the fast track to gaining building license approval with the Shire.
Others are working with their builder to modify and shape them to suit their family, lifestyle and budget. Building a loft upstairs, making room for a tub in the bathroom, adding a bedroom perhaps? We’re interested to see people express their creativity through their homes and meet their needs in a sustainable way.
Alternatively, some lot purchasers have gone the custom home route and have engaged architects like John Damant from Arcologic who is working on two very different homes for a Groupie and a Family lot.
John has kindly allowed us to publish some of the 3D render images of his delightful Groupie lot home design.