Who is a Witchcliffe Ecovillager?

It’s been a fascinating process delving into the demographics of our future Ecovillage residents. We’re finding that enquiries and current buyers are originating from Perth and our local South West region in a fairly even split. A dozen or so future residents are joining us from the eastern states and moving from overseas.

We have, quite unscientifically, estimated the age demographics of our new residents (we really need to do a proper survey…more on that to come.) Our largest cohort of new residents is in the 30-40 age bracket, which largely make up the vibrant group of young families who will be living here. They also account for the 36 children, mostly under 12 years of age, who make up the third biggest group. Unsurprisingly, the Ecovillage lifestyle appeals to the 50-60s, many of whom are still working and / or are semi-retired and are often new empty-nesters.

We anticipate the 60-70s (our fourth biggest group) will be our most active volunteers as they are mostly semi-retired and retired singles and couples with more time on their hands, unlike the 40-50s! This latter group is partly comprised of parents juggling businesses and careers with older children and teenagers in the household. Typically, more established and settled by this time with kids in school, this age group is less likely to be moving locations and building homes while at this busy stage of life.

While they may be demographic outliers, happily, the Ecovillage is also attracting some singles, couples and first homebuyers in the 20-30 age group and a few wise septuagenarians at the other end of the spectrum.

As a diverse community has always been at the top of our wish list for the Ecovillage, we are thrilled with this information and believe it will make for a vibrant, interesting, multi-skilled, knowledgeable and supportive community.

Another fascinating development is the intention of the majority of our future residents (of working age) to work from home or pursue local employment in the Ecovillage itself or in the region. The Ecovillage’s NBN Fibre to the Premises is a fantastic enabler of the work from home professionals and small business owners especially, of which we have many. In addition to a large number of professionals of every discipline (health, teaching, building, IT, design, business, science, social work, etc), we have tradespeople, farmers, academics, stay-at-home parents, artists and creatives – you name the profession, it will more than likely be represented here.

Anecdotally, it seems that the Ecovillage has become a catalyst for many city-dwellers to finally take the plunge and fulfill their dreams to live a balanced and simple lifestyle ‘down south’ in this incredibly beautiful region we are lucky to call home. We’re hearing stories from people who are eager to sell up in the city and reduce their mortgage stress, raise free-range nature-loving kids, end their life-stealing commute and start their own business or consultancy.

Above all, it is the promise of a caring, inclusive and supportive community of like-minded people that is proving to be the biggest drawcard of the Witchcliffe Ecovillage.